child custody

How to Help Children Adjust After a Divorce

Divorcing spouses might see divorce as a getaway from adverse circumstances. But for the children, it is the separation of their parents and a significant change in their home life. Children experience plenty of negative emotions as their parents go through a divorce. While helping them cope through the proceedings is the best way to

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agent and client

Build a Buyer Persona with These Five Easy Steps

It is no secret that marketing a business is hard these days. You need money and time. You need resources to build a website, fill it up with relevant content, and place it high on Google’s search results. If you feel that your marketing messages are falling on deaf ears, it’s because your messages aren’t

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Greener Buildings

Modern Solutions for Greener Buildings

Climate change is a big issue right now and big corporations need to put their money in the right programs and conservation projects. Modern technology has made green buildings possible. Modern green buildings are energy efficient and beneficial to their immediate surroundings. Harnessing Natural Light Every office needs light and one source that is both

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How to Live Better According to Lawyers

Do you have a lawyer? Maybe you’ve never even reached out to one because you’ve never felt like you needed to in your life. But with their vast understanding of the inner workings of what makes our world tick, consulting a lawyer for some advice can make your life much easier. Check out these tidbits

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electric bill

Clever Ways to Lower Your Energy Bills This Winter Season

Winter is almost here. You can feel it on your face when you go out for a run in the morning. The air is crisp, and there’s something in the air—something that tells you that winter is just around the corner. But with it come also the inevitable rising energy bills caused by our need

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woman with an air conditioner

Air: The Weightless Wonder That Does Heavy Lifting

One of the most powerful movers (literally) of the industry is weightless air. When harnessed properly, air can move heavy machinery and stop trains at their tracks. Air is everywhere and its uses in multiple industries and everyday life might surprise you. Under Pressure The air in its normal state isn’t that impressive aside from

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real estate agent and client

Selling a Real Estate Property: What You Need to Know

There will always come a time when you have to give up certain things in life to make way for new ones and have a fresh start. You might have to close down a struggling shop, for example, so that you can start a new venture and make your way towards success once again. Or,

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bees and a flower

How Protecting Bees Can Save the Planet

Can you save the planet by protecting the bee population? Experts say that bees are essential to preserving the Earth from possible extinction. But how does it work? You may have avoided them at some point once you see them buzzing around. But the benefits that they bring to the Earth’s fragile environment outweigh the

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5 Tips for a Budget Garden Landscape Setup

Many of us want a property that is not only aesthetically pleasing but relaxing as well. It’s a simple dream that we work hard to achieve. A house, no matter how beautifully designed or built, will somehow look incomplete without some patch of green in the yard. One way to strike a perfect balance in

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power cables

5 Signs That May Indicate Problems with Your Power Cables

Proper and regular maintenance of electrical wiring is the first measure in mitigating risks for electrical accidents. By knowing the signs of faulty wiring, you would know when to have them repaired or replaced. In all types of electrical applications, whether in industrial or marine engineering, maintaining electrical wiring is crucial. Damaged, worn, and poorly-maintained

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