people working

How to Leave a Successful Business for the Next Generation

Passing the family business to the next generation can be a difficult decision. It’s not as simple as it might seem, and there are many questions you need to ask yourself before making this critical choice. What will happen if I don’t make any plans? Who will take care of your family if something happens

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Getting Started with Your Data Science Career

Back then, major businesses and multinational corporations only had their wits and limited data to depend on for making big decisions. However, in our modern era, the playing field has changed. With the proliferation of data, there’s so much going around that should be analyzed to give companies an edge against their competition and industry.

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traffic congestion

Arranging Employee Transportation and Its Benefits

Employee transportation is providing traveling means in an efficient and convenient way. Given the many benefits it offers, companies should take this into consideration. Here’s how: Choose a reliable transport partner Your employee transportation partner takes your member staff to and from the workplace. Ensure that they are reliable and punctual. One reason you want

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construction workers

Do You Want a Rewarding Career? Pursue a Construction Job

When students are deciding on a career path, some don’t see themselves as being part of the construction industry. This isn’t a surprise, though, as the typical mental images of carrying around bulky tools, wearing hard hats, and getting covered in dust can be off-putting for some people. This idea, however, shows how much people

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team huddle

A First-Time Business Owner’s Guide to Building a Competitive Team

Growing a small business or starting a new brand can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time owning a company. At first, you will find yourself doing almost everything to ensure that your business survives. You may be doing well on your own, but you will need extra hands to perform some essential tasks

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piled hands

Employee Engagement: How Can You Efficiently Improve It?

There are many ways to expand your business, with popular methods being diversifying one’s products or services, finding a new niche or market, improving referrals, and more. However, an often-overlooked way to enhance your company is to invest in your workers. That means improving their quality of life so that they can be happier, and

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people studying

4 Ways to Determine the Right Career Path

As you start to gain independence from your parents, you will have to think about your future. Most of the planning involves you getting a job, which is something that you need for the rest of your life. Since it plays a significant part in your future, you have to pick the right career path.

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counting money

Practical Ways to Finance Your Venture

Getting approved for a small business loan is a challenge in and of itself. But on top of that, entrepreneurs don’t always get the amount that they want, let alone the amount needed to start without a considerable amount of risk. If this is the case for you, here are some of the best ways

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woman working in a coffee shop

Ikigai: Your Four-fold Path to the Right Career

Passion, profession, mission, cocation. These are four inter-connected words or concepts that will lead to a path of career fulfillment. All combined, these concepts produce what the Japanese refer to as “ikigai”, which colloquially means what makes a person get up in the morning. To better understand how to apply ikigai, read the dissection of the

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Choosing the Right Path: 4 Factors in Finding Your Ideal Career

You have had a dream job as early as your childhood. Your parent’s work, your idols, and your early influences have become factors in the career you choose. As you grow up, you will learn that there are a lot of skills and knowledge to develop before you can achieve your dreams. You might realize

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