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Arranging Employee Transportation and Its Benefits

Employee transportation is providing traveling means in an efficient and convenient way. Given the many benefits it offers, companies should take this into consideration. Here’s how:

Choose a reliable transport partner

Your employee transportation partner takes your member staff to and from the workplace. Ensure that they are reliable and punctual. One reason you want to provide an employee transportation service is to minimize tardiness.

Uber and Grab provide convenient transportation worldwide, you can team up with them. You just need to specify the terms and conditions, which may include getting an Uber accident lawyer, in the event the driver gets involved in an accident.

Afterward, you can implement the use of an employee transportation app that enables your employee to request a ride using their corporate log-in. With the help of your IT department, you can even automate it. This can make transportation easier for your staff member.

Conduct a survey within your company

Your main purpose of conducting a survey is to gain more insights about your employees’ transportation needs. This allows you to know who and how many of your staff members need the said program. Your questionnaire might include a pick-up and drop-off location, routes, and pick up time. Once you have gathered all the information, analyze it carefully, so you can develop a cost-effective solution for your company.

Choose the right vehicle

Should you choose a shuttle service, you may need a minibus or van that can accommodate a certain number of people. You also need to specify the public transportation hubs or routes that are most convenient for everyone. Having a shuttle that roves is a great option for a company with round-the-clock operations. Ride-hailing is another good alternative, your employee can schedule a ride and travel without having to wait for anyone.

Identify the number of vehicles needed

This is ideal if you go for a shuttle service, which is preferable for a large workforce. You do not want to get short of vehicles that can transport your employees from public terminals to the workplace, and the other way around. That will defeat the purpose of providing employee transportation — to make commuting more convenient and easier. This can easily be determined after conducting a survey. Or through the help of a transportation agency that can meet the needs of your company.

What Are the Benefits of Providing Employee Transportation?

Increases productivity

The U.S. Census Bureau says that traveling over 10 miles can have a significant effect on health and lower enthusiasm. Thus, affecting employee’s productivity. With the help of employee transportation, you can save your employee the hassle of traveling. They only have to wait to be picked up, preventing stress, and other health issues related to traveling. And with a healthy mind and body, they can get more jobs done than expected.

Improves punctuality

Portrait of a businessman traveling in the subway train

Tardiness is a common problem in the workplace. Let’s face it, traveling in rush hour every morning is no joke. Employees have to wait in a long queue, get their way through the crowd, and deal with heavy traffic. All this can contribute to tardiness.

Employee transportation can reduce this. First off, considering the pick-up schedule, your staff member will allot enough time to prepare. Second, this shortens your employee’s journey to the workplace. They no longer have to move from one vehicle to another. In addition, the driver can take an alternative route in case of a traffic jam, unlike public transportation.

Strengthen your company reputation

By providing a shuttle service or ride-hailing to your employee, you can actually attract more applicants. Long travels can be a major drawback for most applicants. That is the reason why they look for an accessible workplace. With employee transportation, you can encourage them to work at your company, considering the wellness benefits and the transportation cost they can save. They might even refer you to potential candidates for supporting work-life balance.

Cost Savings

CNN reports that the total amount of transportation cost an average commuter spends a year is $2,600. A public transport fare ranges from $11 to $16 a day, with buses being the second most widely used mode of transportation, followed by railways. With employee transportation, traveling becomes less expensive for your employees. On the company’s side, it’s actually a better alternative to mileage expenses or building parking decks to accommodate more employee vehicles.

In general, providing employee transportation can be both beneficial to staff members and employers, particularly in this time of COVID-19, when most public transportation is canceled.

The Author

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