
5 Tips for a Budget Garden Landscape Setup

Many of us want a property that is not only aesthetically pleasing but relaxing as well. It’s a simple dream that we work hard to achieve.

A house, no matter how beautifully designed or built, will somehow look incomplete without some patch of green in the yard. One way to strike a perfect balance in your property is to pair the concrete structures with trees or a simple garden setup. But how do you go about creating your dream garden landscape without spending too much time and money?

Well, you can try a few simple things to make the job quite easy on your pocket and to avoid devoting much of your waking hours on the project. Perhaps, you could rent a digger from your local rental company to speed up the process in case you want to add a mini pond or an artificial waterfall. Or maybe, you can try these five budget garden creation tips:

Hire a professional landscape designer

It may seem counter-intuitive at first but you can actually save a huge amount of money when you hire a professional landscape designer. Such a service provider can help you come up with a working plan for your desired garden setting, complete with cost estimates and a list of landscaping supplies that you have to use. Your landscape designer can also carry for you the burden of having to spend hours thinking about the right combination of hardscapes and softscapes to ensure that your vision is turned into reality. This way, you can devote your free time to more important matters.

Shop local

There are a few awesome benefits of choosing to buy local goods – or getting your needed landscaping supplies from local nurseries and supply shops. One, you can help the local economy by supporting your home-grown suppliers. Second, you can source your needed landscaping supplies faster since the shops can be just around the corner. Third, they know which plants thrive well in your particular climate. Fourth, they put a premium on the quality of supplies that they keep in their inventory. Lastly, they can offer free advice on a variety of things that are related to landscape maintenance and set-up, so you can strike a mutually-beneficial relationship with your local landscaping supply shops.


Use native plants

Aside from shopping local, you should also consider using local. This means opting for greens that have been proven to thrive in your area’s climate. If you live in an area where water is scarce, you should go for plants that require minimal water to survive, like cacti. Using plants native to your area ensures that your resulting garden setup is practically maintenance-free.

Buy landscaping elements that cost cheap (or sometimes free)

Who says you need to drain up your budget just to have a nice-looking garden? There are local shops with partially damaged plants that they sell for half the price. You could also use decomposed gravel if a garden paver or bluestone is out of your budget. You can even go to the nearest river to find stones that you could use to accentuate your landscape garden. The bottom line is that you need not go broke just to beautify your outdoors. You just have to be creative and resourceful to find the perfect substitutes for pricey landscaping supplies.

Go DIY-style

Instead of an expensive artificial waterfall, why not use an old teapot and a discarded whiskey barrel to achieve the same effect? You can also use old pallets to create quaint and functional garden paths. There are lots of possibilities on how you can dress up your yard when you try doing things on your own.

With these simple tips, you should find your job of setting up your dream landscape garden easier and even more fun. Don’t hesitate to ask for professional help if you need it.

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