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Build a Buyer Persona with These Five Easy Steps

It is no secret that marketing a business is hard these days. You need money and time. You need resources to build a website, fill it up with relevant content, and place it high on Google’s search results. If you feel that your marketing messages are falling on deaf ears, it’s because your messages aren’t resonating with your target audience. No matter how hard you try, if you don’t say what your audience wants to hear, your marketing efforts will all be for nothing.

This is where your NUS MSC business analytics degree will come into play. Your knowledge about what buyer persona is will put your business on the right path. A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents your target market. This persona will have your market’s demographics, interests, challenges, and problems. You can better align your marketing message if you are aware of your buyer persona.

Find Commonalities Among Your Customers

Take a look at your past customers. Who are they? What do they buy from your shop? What are the similarities among your customers? Are they from the same neighborhood? Are they all mothers or single parents? Finding common things among your customers, especially the loyal ones, will help you create a persona that will attract more customers in the future.

You can even learn from customers you’ve had a bad experience with. Your experience will give you information on what kind of product, service, or customer service your customers hate. That will tell you never to offer these products again or source the materials from the same suppliers.

Narrow Down the Details

You have found common things among your customers, but that does not mean that you should consider all these things when creating a buyer persona . You should weed out unimportant things. Narrow down the common answers that you have received from your customers and subscribers. At this stage, you should determine the demographics of your customers, behavior, challenges and interests, and email preferences.

Create Multiple Personas

You will find through research that there are different personas you can create using the information from your customers. That’s exactly the point of this exercise. You should create different buyer personas for each category.

If you are a fitness instructor, you should categorize customers who want to gain muscles and want to lose weight separately. You will market to them in different ways. If you need more information to create the other persona, don’t try to substitute details from the other category. Go back to researching this market.

Give Them Names

Business handshake

Your buyer personas should have names. This will personalize the experience for you. It will feel like you’re creating a marketing message for one person, which is what your customers should feel when they read your emails. If you can, attach an image of a potential buyer to the persona you have created.

Write Personalized Emails

By now, you should have collected your customers’ names, addresses, contact numbers, and email addresses. You can start writing emails and letters that can be personalized. Keep the persona in mind when writing a marketing message. Whatever you write down in that email should be what interests this persona. Otherwise, your email will be sent to the junk folder.

Take time to create buyer personas. This is your best way to attract the attention of your market, especially in such an ad-heavy world. Knowing what your market wants will also put you in a better position of convincing them to buy from your company.

The Author

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