
How to Live Better According to Lawyers

Do you have a lawyer? Maybe you’ve never even reached out to one because you’ve never felt like you needed to in your life. But with their vast understanding of the inner workings of what makes our world tick, consulting a lawyer for some advice can make your life much easier. Check out these tidbits of legal wisdom that could make you reconsider about finally having that lawyer on speed dial.

Sign that Prenup

Divorce lawyers in Denver, Colorado, are advocating for new couples to sign prenuptial agreements. Although the perception of it has been divided among those who see it as a form of security and those who see it as expecting disaster, it can result in a stronger marriage. Experts in personal finance and wellbeing have seen that with the existence of a prenup in marriage, assets are fairly divided, and most issues that stem from money, communication, division of responsibility and accountability become lessened – resulting in a happier and more stable union where the couple can focus on their relationship instead of monetary matters. Even if a separation were to happen, it would be less messy for both partners and still end up as a choice that makes moving forward smoother.

You Don’t Have to Be a Yes Man


We all want to make sure we are in our employer’s good graces. We put our best foot forward and make an effort to show our productivity and ability to meet all that is asked of us. But just like that, it’s easy to end up just saying yes to everything and keeping mum even when we’re tired. Don’t forget your employee rights! It is written by law that among an employee’s rights is the right to wellbeing (summed up, check out the Acts that put employee rights on the forefront of law), which means if you feel like you are being overworked or being asked to do something unsafe, you can legally say no. If you’re afraid that your “no” just might be what gets you the chop, remember that you also have the right against wrongful termination. Imagine how much easier your work life could be without the weight of having to say yes to it all.

If You Made It, Patent It

A lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs start as humble players in the market, so there are a lot of brands that don’t even bother getting trademarks, patents, or licenses for their products or works. But these are important safeguards that can prevent a question of ownership from bothering you later on. It even goes beyond your products to your actual name. Prevent any problems for yourself and your growing brand by getting your name trademarked. This way, if another entity files to use the same name as yours, the courts of law have your back. Remember that your intellectual property should be just as protected as your physical ones. Before venturing into business, no matter how small, your stuff matters – and you can have the law behind you on that.

Legalities may seem complicated, but being familiar with your rights and the laws that can serve your life for the better can truly be a gamechanger that you should make the most of.

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