
Don’t Let your Children Get Caught in the Crossfire During Divorce

The biggest casualties in divorce end up to be the kids. While busy dealing with their heartbreaks, divorcing partners sometimes forget about the innocent lives that are caught in the crossfire when they are actually the ones that should be prioritized. The divorce process is long and painful but don’t make it so, at least

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at a funeral

The Weights of Grief: Loss and Finance

Losing a loved one can be considered one of the most challenging aspects of a person’s life. After learning the passing of a spouse, friend or family member, a person begins to feel the weight of the loss of losing that someone. Aside from the emotional weight of grief, people have to consider making funeral

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Closeup of a car key on an auto insurance policy

How Much Can You Get for Your Auto Insurance?

Aside from staying mindful, taking after all speed bounds, and fastening your seat belt, there is a more pressing matter that you must be ready for — facing the worst-case situation. When you get into a car mishap, you’re looking at a high payout of your own cash reserves, accountability for harm, and even severe

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couple signing divorce papers

Ways to Speed Up and Win Divorce Proceedings

If you want to dissolve your marriage, no one can stop you. You don’t have to stay married if you see no reason to maintain the relationship. If the other party is reluctant and wants to stall the process, there are some things you can do to speed it up. What you say can and

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House Sale

Guide to a Smooth House Sale

The average time it takes to sell a house in Australia is between 66 to 77 days. Selling a house could be a frustrating and stressful experience. You’ve done all your planning, but with every passing day, you get more and more anxious to welcome that perfect buyer. Here are some tips that can help

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