
Money Laundering: Ways to Spot Schemes So You Don’t Become a Victim

“Where there’s a will, there’s always a way.” This, perhaps, is the main motto of financial criminals who do money laundering for a “living.” Usually, these people prey on small businesses by giving them “business opportunities” they just can’t pass up. Since the offer for easy money doesn’t come often, they then close a deal

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judge talking to a couple

The Main Phases of a Divorce Trial

Divorce has become a common and natural occurrence. Sometimes, it can even be considered as a noble decision that’s for the best for both spouses. No one should be forced to stay in an unhealthy and toxic relationship. Even so, it’s still a complicated process.  To get a divorce, there are legal processes that have

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Man behind the wheel

Nighttime Driving: How to Protect Yourself and Everyone Else on the Road

Getting behind the wheel already puts you at risk of danger on the road. Nighttime driving multiplies that risk because of certain factors. Statistically, fatal accidents are three times more likely to occur at night compared to daytime driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Even the best accident management system can

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A stack of documents

Ways Business Owners Can Tame Tax Liabilities

If you’re a business owner, then you already know how crucial tax time is. Since every penny is equal to every drop of hard work, you’ll want to make sure you get the most during tax season. This is the very reason you’re always on the lookout on how to tame your business taxes. Even

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A man reviewing his documents

On the Right Track: Skip Tracing Basics Explained

If you need court documents to be delivered, there are companies that offer process services. They will make sure the papers get delivered to the intended parties on time. But what of those people who are difficult to find? As they say, you can’t find someone who doesn’t want to be found. They may do this

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couple in court

Things You Didn’t Realize About Going to Court

Whether it’s a speeding ticket, jury duty, a hearing for a claim, or signing marriage papers, many people go to court even though they are not in the line of law or di not commit any serious crime. Are you not sure what to expect? Here are some things about courts and hearings you may

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Scam Watch: Dealing with Con Artists and Avoiding Fraudulent Offers

Con artists and scammers are everywhere. During the past few years, there have been rising reports of incidents where people have had their information or money stolen and used for one purpose or another. We may have advanced with regard to protecting our assets, but those who are intent on getting what they want in

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money flying

How to Increase Your Credit Score: 7 Easy Ways

Increasing or improving your credit score is always a smart idea, for many reasons. For one, having a high credit score means you have better chances of getting approved for a credit card application, business loan, or home mortgage. Creditors will also trust you enough to raise your credit on loans and credit cards, and

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Ensure Peace in Your Divorce Process

On your wedding day, when you said your vows and cried your eyes out from joy, you thought of a blissful married life ahead of you. Fast-forward to today, and you might be thinking of the dissolution of marriage and asking yourself, “How did I get here?” Peace Depends on Understanding and Mediation Suddenly, instead

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Personal injury form about to be signed

What Constitutes a Personal Injury?

Looking for a defense attorney in Lynnwood? Do you need someone to explain how a personal injury case was filed against you after you posted something about someone over social media? Well, that is something to talk about. Personal injury law or "tort" law allows for compensation to a person who was harmed due to

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