sustainability discussion meeting

Sustainability in a Tech-Powered World

Living in a tech-powered world means that with every millisecond we’re living the lifestyle we have, there’s some form of waste being generated. When we use vehicles, we release harmful gases into the atmosphere. When we upgrade our laptop, we throw away a hunk of metal and a battery that wind up being useless. Even

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family having fun

The Ultimate Outdoor Summer Bucket List for Families

Summer means warm and pleasant days, vacations, and more time spent with family. The best way to make use of all this free time is to go through an epic bucket list of fun family-friendly activities to create memories that will last a lifetime. Getting together with your loved ones to craft your own personal

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Man fixing the house

3 Common Home Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

Extreme weather events are becoming more common in many parts of the United States, putting countless lives and property at peril. If your home has taken significant damage, you will need to file a claim with your insurer. However, many homeowners make mistakes when filing insurance claims, which can result in a smaller reimbursement or

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Phone system

Improving Office Connectivity: Leveling Up Your Business Phone Systems

Office connectivity is an essential part of any business – whether the company is small or large – and that is why any form of improvement in the business phone systems is critical. The enhancement of the office telephony systems is sure to make a significant contribution to office productivity. Once the improved systems are

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office workers

Improve Workplace Productivity: Ways to Use Technology

Today, most employees are looking for productivity hacks because of increasing workloads and more complex and fluid roles. That explains why most people are searching the internet for tips on how to be more productive. But it’s the business owners and managers who have a heavier responsibility for increasing the workplace. What makes it more

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Money-Making Ventures that Can Make It Easy

Money-making is a venture that many people want to try. Some go at it by applying for companies and earning a sufficient salary. However, other options need a bit of effort and hustling. Be aware of the opportunities that may lurk at every corner. Some business ventures in earning more money take a bit of

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Coins and calculator

The Top Three Financial Challenges of Millennials These Days

Many would agree that millennials are more connected and diverse compared to the older generation. That is because most of them grew up in an age where technology meets diversity. However, this does not change the fact that millennials face so many financial challenges that most older generations are lucky enough to dodge. Most millennials

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couple getting married

Wedding Ideas: How to Make It Unforgettable

When it comes to planning your big day, a lot of factors go into considering how to make it memorable, not just for the couple but for everybody celebrating with the newlyweds. Something is satisfying about bringing joy to everyone and adding this memory into one of their best. Surveys have shown that most couples

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Man fixing roof

Would You Know When Your Roof Needs an Upgrade?

Roofs are our first line of defense against heavy rain or snow, and the intense heat of Salt Lake City, Utah. They keep us safe within the four walls of our homes while making sure we are also comfortable. A roof protects you from the elements and helps us maintain our health and property. Unfortunately,

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Man fixing the house

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Remodeling Your Home

Over time, homeowners often like to change things up a notch in their homes. It could be either because they want a fresh, new look for their living space, or want to accommodate some particular needs. Remodeling a home is not something that can happen overnight. There has to be adequate planning and preparation to

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