visiting the cemetary

Coping with Grief: How to Move On After Losing a Loved One

Losing a loved one is never easy. The way the person passed away doesn’t matter. Friends and family who were left behind will still feel strong emotions, such as grief, anger, or defeat. It will feel like the world has ended or that you lost another reason to go on with your life. Moving forward

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Setting up the business

Your Personal Finances Impacts your Business Startup

A business startup is not for the weak of heart and it is definitely not for those whose personal finances are in a limbo. For a business to be promising, it must take after an ideal financial model. If you can’t be good in handling your personal money, or staying on top of your personal

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A man reviewing his documents

Quarrel Settlement: How to Handle and Avoid Neighbourhood Disputes

If you live in a well-populated area, then there might be a chance that you’ll encounter neighbours who can be considered a nuisance to you and the community. In fact, there are no perfect localities. Your neighbours may be those who party almost every night or they may simply have their pet dog defecating or

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cars for sale

Do You Drive or Commute to Work?

Every day, millions of people take to the street to either drive to work or take public transportation. If you’re lucky enough to live a stone’s throw away from your workplace, then all you have to do is to walk. Unfortunately, not all of us can live in the city center where most jobs are

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Holiday Home Decorations

Holiday Home Decorations: Ways to Use Them All Year Round

The holiday season is over, and a lot of homeowners have removed most of their festive decorations. It’s time to put them away and store them in the basement again. You will wait for a couple of months before you decide to display them again. This process seems to be the custom for a lot of people.

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sad person

How Not to Feel Miserable After Relocating

People move to a new place due to different reasons. Some need a bigger house to accommodate their growing family. Others want to grab an excellent job opportunity in a new location. Others simply yearn for a new environment. While this is an exciting time, some people tend to feel homesick just after a few

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online presence

Building a Powerful Online Presence

There is no denying the fact that the digital era has dominated the lives of most people. The business sector is not exempted from this. Businesses vie for consumers’ attention by building an online presence. Being visible online can help an entrepreneur reach customers and potential ones. With more people now spending most of their

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man discussing sustainability

How to Bring Sustainability to Your Small Business While Maintaining Profits

As we enter the ‘20s and potentially a new era for the global environment, more businesses than ever are adopting measures to become more eco-friendly and reduce their environmental impact. Not only is there a growing acceptance of social responsibility among organisations, but most have come to realise that consumers prefer and support sustainable business.

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accounting graphs

Cutting Your Business Costs Increases Sales and Profitability

Utility and operational costs make up more than 60% of your business operations. Business insurance, for example, goes up 10% to 20% a year. If you look at your expenses and profit, you will notice that a big chunk of your money goes to utility bills. You can cut down on these energy, water, and Internet

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people at an office space

Outsourcing HR Functions: Knowing the Benefits

Among the busiest departments in any business is the human resources department. They do a lot of things on top of recruiting talents. They are also in charge of conducting exit interviews, planning projects that will increase employee retention, and spearhead activities that will cultivate company culture. As a businessperson, there might have been times

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