realtor holding keys

Building Your Career in the Real Estate Industry in 6 Ways

Promotions come with a lot of anxiety and excitement.  You know you have the ability to do the job, but there’s a lot on your plate now. The transition from a newbie to an experienced real estate agent can be a significant change. In order to make this transition as easy as possible, you need

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people getting insurance

Should You Purchase Mortgage Insurance?

As one of the few perks of mortgage insurance, your family can rest easy knowing you’ll have mortgage coverage if you were to pass away unexpectedly. You might unwantedly cause disputes after your death, with your family having to hire attorneys for estate litigation. If a home buyer can’t give out a down payment of 20%

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mother and daughter

Teaching Kids About Responsibility: The Most Important Things in Life

Parents have many responsibilities to accomplish when raising a child. Their lives will change in every aspect imaginable, from financial management to lifestyle choices. All the adjustments should benefit the child’s growth and development. Parents can find countless lists of responsibilities saying different things, and it is a matter of filtering out what you can

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