
The Practical Marketing Guide for Busy Plumbers

Not all owners of plumbing businesses have the time to come up with marketing ideas. Most plumbers are focused on running their business and improving their customer service. While these are crucial factors in running a business, marketing is just as important.

You can offer the best services or quality stainless pipes and fittings, but if potential customers are unaware of your presence, your business efforts will be in vain. Instead of disregarding marketing, here are some practical ideas to put into practice.

Define Your Unique Selling Point

You need to offer something special — this is the first step to setting your business apart from your competitors. Your unique selling point could be in any aspect of your business. Some USPs for plumbing businesses examples are:

  • Qualified local expert
  • Reliability guarantee
  • 1-hour response time
  • Discounts for the elderly, persons with disabilities, military personnel or other groups you favour
  • No call out charge
  • Drainage specialists
  • 18-month guarantee on all works

Once you’ve identified your unique selling point, centre your marketing strategy on it.

Build Your Website

A website serves as your business card online. Websites contain details about your products and services, as well as how you can help customers in need of plumbing services. It also has appointment booking features so customers can schedule their plumbing services easily.

A good website should be clean, simple, and direct to the point so customers can find the information they need easily. Your website should have the following elements:

  • Your unique selling point
  • Your details: phone number, email address and address
  • The locations you serve
  • List of services you offer
  • Awards and accreditation
  • Testimonials and reviews

Work with a trusted web designer regarding the design and functionality of your website.

Start a Blog

A big part of online marketing is inbound marketing, which means customers will come to you. One of the simplest ways to attract their attention is to start a blog filled with relevant and informative content.

How do you know what to blog? Start with what your customers often ask:

  • How can I fix a leaking pipe?
  • Why is my sink clogged?
  • What are the causes of common plumbing problems?
  • What to do during a freeze?

Once you’ve collected their commonly asked questions, write blogs that answer their concern. Blogs can be actionable suggestions, informative articles or case studies about your previous clients.

For example, a blog filled with DIY advice shows that you’re willing to help customers save money. Start a series of how-to articles or videos on common plumbing issues and how to resolve them. If you’re the customers’ go-to for sound plumbing advice, they will surely hire you as their plumber.

Seek Customer Referrals

Customers will refer to your plumbing business based on the quality of your services. But if you do not have a customer referral program in place, they might forget to share their good experience with your business.

Encourage customers to refer your plumbing business to others. One way to do so is with a simple referral program that offers customer privileges. For example, encourage clients to share on social media to get free plumbing services.

Foster Reviews

Not all customers have the time to give you a review online. Only a few will go out of their way to give you a review and part of that number is composed of unsatisfied customers. Since reviews — whether online or word-of-mouth — influence the buying decision of potential customers, politely encourage them to leave you a review.

Make it easy for them by providing them a list of review sites, which should include the following platforms:

  • Google My Business
  • Facebook
  • Yelp

Community Marketing

plumber on call

While websites and online marketing are effective in capturing attention, they are not enough in building relationships with customers. Being involved with the community is one of the best ways to market your plumbing business while fulfilling your social responsibility.

  • Participate in community events. Consumers are willing to pay more for services and products provided by businesses that are committed to positive environmental and social impact. Build your credibility and social responsibility by joining community events, sponsoring local teams, making social contacts with your community or supporting local charity drives. Show up for your community and they will show up for you.
  • Give away branded items. Handing out memorable and useful items keep your name in a potential customer’s head. Popular giveaway examples are a coffee cup, a USB memory stick or a to-do whiteboard. Your giveaways must have your business’s logo and contact information so customers can call you.

Consider these practical offline and online marketing ideas when planning to grow your business. You have plenty of tools at your disposal. Make time for these strategies and watch your business take off.

The Author

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