
Pursuing Your Passion for a More Fulfilling Career

Hate to break it to you, but if you’re still trying to find your passion, what you are doing right now will never translate into fulfillment.

There may be instances that lead us to detest what we’re doing right now without realizing that it is what we have been dreaming all along. But if you’re still trying to figure it out or have pondered long and hard but still feel that something is missing, then read on. It isn’t a contest nor a race. Some people spend years figuring out what they wish to do in their lives.

You can Google “What do I do next?” or “How do I find my passion?” all night, and the closest answer you will find is to figure it out on your own. The internet isn’t some god nor a fortune-teller, so don’t expect much there. And Google’s right. You have to figure it out on your own. It’s your life anyway.

To figure out what you want, you must first think of what you can do to achieve it. Many people are hampered by the thought that their passion might not help them reach their financial goals. But how will you know if you don’t even try?

Brainstorm and Research

No job is perfect. Everyone gets stressed out and tired. But ask yourself, are you driven with your work? Do you enjoy it from time to time? If it’s a yes, then maybe you’re already there but if it’s a no, better start thinking of the things you enjoy the most.

With The Bureau of Labor Statistics employment projections program, you can improve your career prospects and find a job that fits you. The program can help you identify occupations and see if there are job openings. You’ll see the employment, wage, and transfer data that can help you explore other careers you didn’t consider before.

According to a study published by Gallup, over two-thirds of the US workforce was disengaged from work, while 36 percent was actively engaged. It should be a huge wake-up call about the need for a positive shift in mindset and the importance of fostering clear career goals.

Start Networking

Befriending people who work within your potential industries is one of the most critical steps you will take in your career journey. Research shows that about 85% of all jobs are filled by networking. Networking is an effective way to gain insight into potential careers, and it’s becoming more frequently used as a career-exploration tool. By networking with others, you can gain invaluable insights into what it’s like to work in different industries.



Working as a freelancer is a great thing. It serves dual purposes: You gain experience in an industry without having to commit to a single company permanently, and you get paid to work on your own time, making it ideal during a time of career explorations.

You will experiment with different industries and see which suits you best or which one you like the most. You can also lend your skills to some projects if applicable. The possible downside is that sometimes you might not get paid for volunteer work, and of course, you’ll start at the bottom and might even be labeled as an intern.

Venture Into Business

If you have tried everything but have concluded that a 9-to-5 job isn’t the right job, you can start your own business. Be your own boss. There are several products and services that you can sell to people. It’s an exciting yet daunting pathway to take since you will feel independent with everything—from thinking of a thing to sell to figuring out how to sell it.

In starting your business, you will need a product or a service that you want to sell. Depending on your industry, you will need a home office, a small storage space for your products, or a place to work if you’re providing services. You will also need equipment such as a computer and a stable Internet connection. If applicable, you might also need to hire experts if you feel lost, like a marketer, an accountant—it depends on your company.

Most importantly, you will need a business attorney to take care of all the legal needs of your business, from registering the company to managing your trademark. They can also give you advice and legal guidance in case of lawsuits that might impact your operations.

You shouldn’t figure out what you want to do. Think of what you enjoy the most. Maybe you have already found your passion; you just lack the determination and the perspective to go for it. Give yourself time to explore.

Life is never a race. If you have it figured out at an early age, then persevere. But if you haven’t found it yet, keep looking and never settle. You will know once you find it, and you’ll be proud of yourself that you did.

The Author

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