
Marketing Your Construction Company: Innovative Ideas To Try

If you run a construction company, marketing may not be at the top of your list of priorities. After all, you’re used to working with your hands, not with a computer. However, marketing your construction company is essential if you want to attract new customers and grow your business.

Statistics show that there are 3,759,710 construction firms all around the U.S. Experts say that the number has grown an average of 3.3% per year. This shows just how much competition there is in the construction industry.

To stay ahead of the game, it helps to find innovative ways to market your company. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Make a Video Advertising Your Company and Post It Online

In today’s day and age, potential customers are more likely to watch a video about a company than read an advertisement. Statistics also show that 88% of consumers want to see company videos. By making a video advertising your construction company, you can reach a wider audience and introduce them to your business in a fun and interesting way.

When making a video, consider what sets your company apart from the competition. What are your unique selling points? Why should someone use your company over another? Once you have answers to these questions, you can begin brainstorming ideas for your video.

Some ideas for your video could include:

  • A tour of your construction site
  • An interview with the owner or manager of your company
  • A day in the life of a construction worker
  • A testimonial from a satisfied customer
  • A look at some of the projects you’ve worked on

Get creative and have fun with it! The sky’s the limit when making a video about your company. Post it online where potential customers are sure to see it, like on your company website or on social media.

Post Equipment Upgrades and Maintenance on Social Media

If you’re constantly upgrading your equipment or performing maintenance on your construction site, post it on social media. This is a great way to show potential customers that you’re always keeping up with the latest advancements in the construction industry. This will also give them peace of mind knowing you’re using reliable equipment for your construction projects.

yellow excavator at work

For example, you recently bought new construction equipment for your company. You could take a picture of the equipment and post it on your company’s Facebook page with a caption explaining the equipment and how it will benefit your customers. You could also post a video of you and your team using the new equipment on social media. This would give potential customers an idea of what to expect if they use your company for their construction needs.

It also helps to let your customers know that you take equipment maintenance and repair seriously. This will show that you’re a reliable and trustworthy construction company.

If you post a picture on social media of your team repairing construction equipment, potential customers will see that you’re always keeping your equipment in top condition. Just make sure you hire a professional to maintain your equipment to ensure it’s always in good working order. It helps if your supplier is also the one who can repair the equipment for you since they are the experts and already knows the exact parts needed to fix the equipment.

Sponsor a Charity Event

One way to market your construction company is by sponsoring a charity event. This is a great way to give back to the community and show potential customers that you’re a compassionate and caring company. It’s also an excellent opportunity to get your company name out there.

When people see your company name at a charity event, they’ll be more likely to remember it when they need construction services. Choose a charity that’s relevant to your business.

Suppose you’re a construction company that specializes in building homes. You could sponsor a charity event that benefits the homeless. By sponsoring a charity event, you’ll not only be helping out a good cause, but you’ll also be marketing your company in a positive light. This is sure to attract potential customers who are looking for a construction company they can trust.

Hold Open Houses to Showcase Your Work

If you’re proud of the work you’ve done, why not show it off? You can do this by holding open houses at some of the properties you’ve worked on. This is a great way to show potential customers what you’re capable of. It’s also a great opportunity to meet potential customers and build relationships with them.

Be sure to advertise your open houses in advance so potential customers can plan to attend. You can do this by posting flyers in the neighborhood or sending out emails to your potential customers. You could even hold a grand opening event to really attract attention.

At the open house, be sure to have someone on hand to answer any questions potential customers may have. Give them a tour of the property and show them all the work you’ve done. You could even offer refreshments at the open house to make it more inviting.

These are but four ways you can market your construction company. You can attract potential customers and grow your business by thinking outside the box. Remember to always prioritize your customers and focus on providing quality services. Doing so will ensure that your construction company is a success.

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