
Internet in the Judiciary: The Perfect Tool to Settle Disputes in COVID-19 Times

Nobody may have imagined how the internet would turn the world our forefathers know on its head. When scientists Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), the expert duo laid the ground for data transmission between networks. And though there really is not a single person who can lay claim to being the architect of the internet, the works of those two computer scientists became a turning point. Today, it’s hard to find a single millennial not into social media. As of July 2020, even with the virus plaguing humanity, over 4.57 billion people actively used the internet.

All that brings good news to the judiciary. The internet and its ability to connect people thousands of miles apart bring innumerable benefits to settling disputes. This is evident in ODR or Online Dispute Resolution. For one, it makes it easier for anybody who may not be capable of showing up in court. We’re talking about people with disabilities and the aged. Above all, you need not go out to seek closure to a dispute. In effect, this gives you a way to keep yourself safe at a time when coronavirus is taking American lives one by one.

The Slow Grinding of Justice in COVID-19 Times

Truly, the coronavirus pandemic is changing the way we live. And the U.S. judiciary is no exception. It’s but a timely move. Any form of gathering can be a breeding ground for the virus. As courthouses in America close, justice is definitely taking more time to settle things than before.

It certainly is a new normal for the judiciary. At a time when social unrest is rife in America with Black Lives Matter taking centerstage, chaos seems inevitable, knocking at everyone’s doors.

As a way to be relevant, the United States courts are leaning more and more towards the internet. For starters, they’ve put out the word on how people should keep abreast of the judiciary. And as expected, it’s via the internet. Check out the latest federal court updates here.

ODR to the Rescue

Thus, time and again, the internet has come to the rescue. Indeed, it can be of great help to you in settling disputes.

That’s where ODR or Online Dispute Resolution is spot on. It’s an idea tweaked from Europe’s ADR or Alternative Dispute Resolution where disputes are settled out of court. It’s a win-win situation. And at the pandemic, it is a treasure trove.

ODR uses the internet to settle disputes. Not only will it reduce litigation costs, but it also expands the capability of the judiciary to bring people into an agreement. You won’t have to be physically present at a courthouse just to get your voice to be heard.


People who normally would have a hard time going to court can now have access to justice. We’re talking about seniors with life-threatening diseases or persons with disabilities.

To start the ODR process for you, you should hire the services of an ARS (Alternative Resolution Services). These are lawyers who will guide you every step of the way so you get the proceedings right.

You will be given top-caliber mediation services in judicial arbitration with a competent ARS firm. It is paramount that you connect to the right professionals so you won’t have to worry about getting your fair share of justice. This allows your case to be heard in a legal world that is full of rules that can easily confound any common man.

Getting an ARS is easy. All you have to do is get in touch with them via their website. Normally leaving your personal details such as your email should do the trick. Everything follows from there.

A Call for Greater Use of Digital Platforms

To a large degree, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the federal courts. In doing so, it became the litmus test that showed in what areas the justice system should improve.

Karen Eltis, an Ottawa University law professor and former Director of the university’s Human Rights Center, pointed out the vast ways courts should evolve to be functional in the Digital Age. There is the case for better access for one and faster delivery of justice when normal proceedings cannot be done in court.

But this only shows that indeed the internet and the Digital Age can be a vital tool in modernizing the judiciary. The key to moving forward is doing a deep dive into expanding the limitations of our current system. Fortunately for us, ODR has shown the way. At a time of humanity’s greatest need today, something good came out of it. And that’s to make justice better for everyone.

The Author

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