How to Safely Dispose of Waste Oil

Waste oil is a term for oil contaminated with substances. It’s usually collected from cars and other machines that use oil to operate. Dirt, metal scrapings, and chemicals get mixed in with oil and weaken its performance. When this happens, it’s necessary to replace it with virgin or re-refined oil so it can do its job again. Waste oil has the potential to be hazardous, so it’s important to exercise caution with it. Here are some tips on how to safely handle waste oil:

Use the right equipment

Before you recover oil from your vehicle or machine, make sure that you have the right equipment. Inspect your equipment to make sure that it isn’t damaged. You should also test them to verify that they work without problems. You want to lessen the risk of the oil endangering you and those around you as much as possible. A sturdy electric waste oil transfer pump can remove oil without a hitch. Check to see that it is the right pump for your particular vehicle or machine.

Wear protective equipment

With the right equipment, pumping out your oil should be easy to do. No matter how much you prepare yourself, accidents can still happen. Thus, it’s always good to prepare yourself for any risk. Oil leaks and pipe bursts could end up endangering yourself and those around you. It’s best to wear gloves and eye protection before handling waste oil. If you’re with other people, make sure that they’re wearing protective equipment, as well.

Don’t throw waste oil away

oil on the road

Improper disposal of waste oil can harm the environment. Dumping it into landfills or garages can pollute land, water, and infrastructure. It’s better to recover and recycle it as much as possible. It’s possible to clean waste oil for re-use as burner fuel and hydraulic oil. You can take small amounts of waste oil from vehicles or farm machinery to used oil facilities. They will be able to handle it for you. These facilities are usually located near landfills and waste transfer stations. They may also accept oil filters, rags, and plastic oil containers. For larger volumes of oil, you can work with a used oil collector to visit your facility to siphon the oil for you.

Store waste properly

Store your waste oil and other materials in appropriate containers. Inadequate storage may further expose the oil to contaminants. This could make it even more hazardous and unstable. An ordinary fuel storage tank is an adequate place to store these. Opt for a waste oil tank which is a much more durable and safer alternative. Make certain that your materials are tightly sealed, isolated, and stored in a cool, dry area.

Contact a waste oil disposal service

Rather than recover the oil yourself, you can always call a professional to do it for you. You may have to pay a fee, but this is most likely the safest method. There are plenty of facilities that can retrieve and dispose of waste oil for you. A quick search can reveal those closest to you. Contact a waste oil disposal service in your area to discuss pricing and services.

Though waste oil may not always be hazardous, it’s better to assume that it is. Improper handling of it is risky and it could end up harming you and those around you.


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