IT Business

Essential Digital Tools for IT Businesses

It’s called the information age because of how information has become one of the most important commodities today. All businesses need the power of information to thrive. This puts information technology companies at an advantageous position.

This is also why these companies are growing in number. According to SelectUSA, there are more than 525,000 IT companies in the US. This means competition can be fierce. Not to mention, today’s outsourcing capabilities that can easily bring offshore IT companies into the fray.

If you own or manage an information technology company in the US, you’d want to squeeze out every ounce of advantage you can to stand out from the competition.

This article details four digital tools that can help maximize your company’s potential.


As anyone who runs a business can attest, there is a plethora of tasks that have to be done outside the specialization of your business. Just because you’re an information technology company, for example, doesn’t mean IT is all you have to do to run your business well.

There are tasks like human resources, timekeeping, bookkeeping, other administrative tasks that take up a bulk of your time and resources, too. The truth is these tasks actually keep you from doing what it is you should really be doing – like creating awesome IT solutions for your clients.

You can outsource administrative tasks and save time and some costs in the process. However, there are digital tools you can also use that will end up saving you more money. Here are a few of them.

  • Inflow (Inventory Management) – One of the reasons businesses need IT companies is to avoid investing in powerful computing machines. This means IT companies usually have an inventory of these expensive computers. Inflow helps manage these machines in a way that’s quick and intuitive.
  • Zoho People (Personnel Management) – Zoho is a cloud-based tool that helps organizations manage their personnel. From records and timekeeping to performance appraisal, it has everything you need to stay on top of HR duties effectively.
  • Invoicely (Billing) – This software has a range of features that can help you business simplify invoicing and billing tasks including project and time tracking. There are differently priced plans, but the offerings are solid even at the lowest tier.


technical support concept

Being an IT company, it’s absolutely important that you and your team stays on top of your projects. If you’re juggling multiple clients at the same time, this can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are digital tools to help you with this. Here they are.

  • ServiceNow (Service Portfolio Management) – This tool helps your IT company manage multiple projects at the same time. It has features that oversee the creation, organization, and management of your services in a way that optimize the value of your services and minimize their risks and costs.
  • Intercom (Customer Support) – Customer service will always be a cornerstone of any business. With Intercom, these tasks can be done more easily through artificial intelligence and user insights that inform your interactions.

Running an IT business today maybe highly competitive but it can also be rewarding if you manage to stand out. These tools will help your business run more efficiently and get that edge that you need. Good luck!

The Author

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