Website design

Designing a Website That Best Represents Your Company’s Values

More than half of the world’s population has access to the internet. This could be attributed to the multiple ways people can go online. Perhaps the most expensive would be doing that on a personal computer, as there are accompanying peripherals that users have to buy separately like monitors, speakers, mouse, and keyboard. The cheapest way to go online would be using a smartphone. There are many handsets out there that cost less than $100, but even flagship models that can go for more than $1,000 are also selling well.

The number of people online is too big to ignore, and companies are indeed taking notice. You would be hard-pressed to find a large organization that does not have an online presence. Having a website could tell a lot about them, which makes it a good avenue for representing the company’s overall values and identity.

The Look

If you want to make a good impression, it would not hurt to make your website design and layout as gorgeous as possible. Having something that looks subpar in the looks department will make people think that your company does not care about presenting itself in an encouraging manner. There are many designers out there who you can hire to provide the ideal look for your website. They know which combination of colors can provide the strongest appeal to the visitors. The font selection is also crucial, as people spend a lot of time reading on the internet. It would be an easy turn off if the tackiest ones are selected.

Your website’s overall look will represent your aesthetic sensibilities. That can be measured by the amount of positive feedback you receive from your site’s visitors. Get a lot of those, and your company will be seen by people as having a good taste in design.

The Content

The content of your website should be engaging, and it should make visitors learn a lot about your organization. Your works and offerings from the past, present, and future should all be accounted for. Images of your physical products should be clear and sharp.

All literature should be written professionally. Glaring errors are unacceptable, as people will see that as being careless and amateurish. Make sure you have a skilled proofreader to make sure that the articles do not have mistakes. The same kind of attention to detail should be applied to videos. There are people who have a keen eye to spot continuity flaws, so make sure that the editing work is first class.

Controlling the Ads

If you want to make your website a legitimate source of revenue, you should consider adding ads to it. While it is true that some people like to use browser plug-ins that block them, there are still those who allow banners and other forms of ads to show in the browsers. For your part, you should be conscious about how intrusive those can be and make sure that those do not ruin the viewer’s experience. Videos should be kept to a manageable level so it does not affect the bandwidth.

People are willing to have ads in whatever media content they are consuming as long as they have a semblance of control over them. Give them the freedom to choose between seeing and skipping over them. Show them that you are committed to that by putting a prominent close button anywhere in the ad.

User Interface

The user experience is reliant on the interface that they are using. When it comes to websites, this all boils down to how intuitive the layout is. The ideal design is where there are easy-to-find links to other sections of the site, and the pages should be set up in such a way that the user does not have to do horizontal scrolling.

Keeping everything scaled to the width of the window allows you to navigate with minimal hand movements. The pages should also work on touchscreen interfaces without much modification in the code. The goal is to minimize the barriers to viewing your site, and the interface plays a huge part in fulfilling that.

Reaching Out

Web design

Just as your website is welcoming to its visitors, you have to let your doors open for feedback and communications from them. There should be a section where they can place comments and suggestions. Your contact information such as the email address and phone numbers should also be shown. This adds to your company’s credibility because you are willing to be transparent and approachable.

All of these website elements will show the values of your company. If done right, it will do wonders for its image and reputation. That will bode well for your organization, as the internet brings you an audience of millions.

The Author

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