Two employees talking about a co-worker

Dealing with Racial Discrimination at Work

• Racial discrimination in the workplace is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

• Document workplace discrimination, such as offensive comments, job duties, or pay changes.

• Employees should communicate their experience to their employer and take action quickly if they believe their rights have been violated.

• An employment attorney can advise on the best action to protect your rights and represent you in legal proceedings.

Racial discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can have lasting psychological, emotional, and financial consequences. It may involve being treated differently than other employees, receiving less favorable job assignments or treatment, being denied opportunities for advancement, or facing humiliation or harassment based on racial identity.

Although the law prohibits discrimination based on race, employers may unconsciously or consciously discriminate against employees of color. If you’re experiencing racial discrimination at work, and feel like there’s nothing that can be done about it, know that there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

Understanding Your Rights

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against employees based on race. This includes various activities, including making decisions about hiring and firing, promotions, pay raises, job assignments, training opportunities, or other conditions or privileges associated with employment.

In addition to protecting employees from discrimination based on race, the law prohibits employers from engaging in any employment-related practice that disproportionately and adversely affects employees of a particular race. This is known as “disparate impact” discrimination.

You also have the right to work in an environment free of discriminatory conduct, such as harassment or retaliation for complaining about discrimination. Knowing your rights will help you better protect yourself when faced with discrimination in the workplace. Here’s how you can deal with racial discrimination at work.

Two employees having an argument inside an office

Document Your Experience

It is important to document your experience. Make a written record of any incidents that occurred. This may include instances when someone made derogatory comments about your race or ethnicity or treated you differently than other employees based on your race or ethnicity. This includes writing down any offensive comments or slurs made by your supervisor or coworkers. It’s also important to note any changes in job duties, hours of work, salary, or other working conditions that may be related to race-based discrimination.

Keep track of the incident’s date, time, and location and any witnesses present. If you have emails or other communications that contain discriminatory language, save copies of these documents. If needed, documentation will provide evidence of any wrongdoing later during legal proceedings.

Talk to Your Employer

You must talk to your employer if you’re experiencing racial discrimination at work. Make sure they know the problem and clearly understand what happened and when. Let them know how the discrimination has affected you so they can take steps to address the situation. If you feel comfortable, it may be helpful to suggest potential solutions.

Your employer should have a policy outlining the process for reporting discrimination or harassment. If they do not have such a policy, you may need to speak with a lawyer or contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for assistance. They should also be able to guide how to handle the situation.

Take Legal Action

If you believe you are the victim of racial discrimination at work, it’s important to take action immediately. Depending on where you live, this could involve filing a complaint with the state Human Rights Commission or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Alternatively, some states allow employees to sue employers directly for anti-discrimination violations without going through a government agency first.

Concept of a lawsuit being served by a lawyer

It’s important to consult with an employment attorney familiar with employment discrimination laws in your state. An employment attorney can provide advice and guidance on the best course of action for you to take to protect your rights. They can also represent you if a legal case needs to be filed against your employer. Taking action may help stop any further discrimination and prevent others from experiencing similar injustices in the future.

No one should have to suffer from racial discrimination while at work—but unfortunately, it does happen all too often. Whether done by an employer, supervisor, or coworker, race-based discrimination can have a lasting negative impact. By understanding their rights as an employee and taking action quickly if faced with racism in the workplace, victims can help ensure justice is served and prevent further instances of discrimination from occurring in the future. Speak up against racism, and don’t let those who practice it get away with it!

The Author

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