working on a laptop

Business Ideas for People Who Don’t Like People

It’s not that you’re totally anti-social. Maybe you simply prefer deep, meaningful conversations. It’s not that you hate being around people. Perhaps you just function better when left alone. Such are the mysterious quirks of introverts. In a society that rewards extroversion, these people often find it difficult to thrive in the modern workplace.

The good news is that you don’t have to endure the nine-to-five grind and engage in watercooler talks forever. If you want a job that doesn’t require too much social interaction, being your own boss is your best option. Check out these potential business opportunities that suit introverts well:

Sell Stuff Online

Many Internet users purchase stuff online. With so many free resources available online, you can easily create your e-commerce store and start selling stuff. Whether you want to sell your own creations or resell items straight from manufacturers, online selling offers plenty of opportunities for you to earn money. This way, all interactions with other people will take place online.

Go Freelancing

According to Small Business Trends, 43% of the working U.S. population will turn to freelance work over the next five years. It’s not hard to see why. Nearly a third of all freelancers in the U.S. reported earning $75,000 or more per year. This, and the fact that freelancers have the freedom to work anywhere and anytime they please, is really a convincing reason to go freelancing.

This career suits introverts because it also allows you to choose your clients and projects. If you find a client too hard to deal with, you can move on to the next one. And we say that matter-of-factly because 25% of freelancers say they can find work within 24 hours.

Whether you are a creative, a consultant in any field, or a content service provider, you’ll never run out of opportunities in the gig economy. Especially if you know your way around artificial intelligence or Instagram marketing, you’ll have a steady stream of projects and clients.

Put Your Money in Vending Machines

vending machine

Vending machines and introverts are both like wallflowers: you rarely see them in the limelight but they are your best friends in times of need. Investing in this business idea allows you to earn profit without making contact with other people.

As a word of advice, though, it’s good to stock your vending machine with healthy options to triple your sales. In a study, 65% of Americans are watching their diet in some way right now. You want to offer healthy snacks instead of sugary options, carbonated drinks, and junk foods to appeal to these people.

Start a Franchise

If you want a lucrative investment, starting a franchise is your best bet. According to Statista, there are currently approximately 759, 240 franchise businesses in the U.S. Some of the leading franchises in the country are McDonald’s, Burger King, 7 Eleven, and KFC. But you don’t need to be a millionaire to start your own franchise business.

Many businesses require low initial startup costs yet offer high-profit margins. As long as you work with a franchise marketing agency to implement the right strategies, your business can have high growth potential and expansion opportunities.

While all these business ideas might sound exciting, remember to take it easy. Don’t quit your day job right away. Start by juggling your nine-to-five and your chosen business and give it some time before you finally bid farewell to a steady source of income. Once all’s well on the financial side of your business, take that as a cue to leave your job and live your ultimate introvert dream.

The Author

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